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Awards Ceremony



Treatment for Performance Anxiety
Available in Virginia and Massachusetts

Anxiety doesn’t have to stand between you and


You're about to...

step up to the microphone - maybe it’s on a stage, in a courtroom, in a classroom - you can feel the butterflies in your stomach, the shaking in your limbs, the sweat in your armpits and the dryness in your mouth. You’re trying to hold it together, but the thought swirl floods your mind just before it goes blank.

Or maybe...

you’re on the brink of a big moment in your career – asking for a raise, pitching to a big client, starting your own practice. Part of you believes you have what it takes, but another part of you keeps shrinking back and doubting you can do it. So you let the opportunity go by…again.

Your inner critic is...

rearing its ugly little head, and it seems to be getting worse as time goes on. The pressure to be perfect is weighing you down. It’s a vicious spiral – the worse you feel, the harder it is to perform well, which diminishes your confidence.

You've tried...

deep breathing, positive affirmations, and telling yourself you’re “fine” – but your head and your body don’t seem to be on the same page.

Anxiety is a normal feeling that we all have.

Some amount of anxiety is actually helpful when it comes to performing at your best. It gives you energy and motivation to do well. If you didn’t have ANY anxiety, you probably wouldn’t have gotten to this point in your career.


But if you are feeling too much anxiety, your performance can suffer.


It’s not that you need the anxiety to go away. You just need the right amount of it.


One way I explain anxiety to my clients is that your brain has an alarm system, kind of like a house. If you have an alarm set for your house, you only want it to go off when someone is actually trying to break in. You don’t want it to go off when there’s a strong breeze, when the mailman comes, or when a friend knocks on your door.


But that’s what happens when we feel anxious in situations where there is no real danger.


Your brain has a “bug” in its alarm system, causing it to go off at inappropriate times.


Often we have had experiences in our past that taught us to react in this way, such as being judged, humiliated or criticized by others. We might have experienced a performance-related trauma, like an injury or a disappointing performance. Or we might not know why we feel this way.


When we aren’t performing our best, it can feel like we are locked up in our own minds and can’t find the key.


Some of us can feel tremendous shame that we feel this way.


You might have even used alcohol or other drugs to try to cope, which can add to the problem.


Maybe you have started avoiding certain people or situations just so you won’t have to speak or perform.

And if the career you love  - or the career you want - depends on you being able to perform effectively, avoidance is likely not a viable option.
You need a better solution.

Fortunately your brain can learn to adjust the alarm.

Are you ready to:

Feel more confident

Get into your zone of genius more easily

Be less afraid of judgment or criticism

Together we will:

Assess the thoughts, feelings and physical sensations you are experiencing, including any earlier life experiences that may be feeding into how your brain is interpreting current situations that feel challenging

Strengthen your “C” qualities – calm, confident, creative, clear, curious, courageous, compassionate, connected – and learn how to apply them

Reboot your brain and support your mind and body in being able to work together so you can grow and develop your skills instead of watching them atrophy

EMDR Intensives can help

EMDR Intensives can be a great alternative to traditional weekly therapy for those who need faster progress than the older model of therapy allows, particularly when there is an imminent event, such as a presentation, performance or test.


Think of EMDR Intensives as an accelerator for your healing. We aren’t skipping any necessary steps in the process, but we can accomplish them faster.

Specializing in EMDR Intensives for:


  • Performers/creatives who identify as ACOA

  • Mental blocks after injury, accident or other performance-related trauma

  • Confidence issues

  • Creative blocks

  • Perfectionism

  • Performance slumps and burnout

Image by Tamarcus Brown
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